The God Wars Living with Angels Virtual Book Tour is now in progress. Visit author Rob Tobin along his virtual tour stops to learn more about the book, the author's life and how he went from writing scripts and screenplays to writing novels. Book Description:
A young witch with justice in her hands and a chip on her shoulder, seeks revenge on the evil people of the world but in the process opens the gates of hell, meets a demon she can't resist, an angel she can't trust and three-foot-tall aliens. Now she must find a way to save the world and her own soul.
View the book trailer at http://www.youtube.com/user/robtobinwriter#p/a/u/0/LxFviIx5CAI
Or watch it here
(Rescheduled for March 3)
March 1 Guest Post and Review at Review from Here
March 1 Guest Blog at Sugarbeat's Books
March 2 Guest post at Getting Naughty Between the Stacks-
March 3 Q and A At Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
March 6 (rescheudled to go live March 12) Interview at RomanceRadio.net
March 7 8pm EST Live Radio Interview Blog Talk Radio
Call In Number is (718) 664-9341
March 15 Guest Post Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf
March 15 Guest Post and Review at My Eclectic Bookshelf
March 15 Interview Night Owl Book Lovers Magazine
March 16 Interview Freedom from the Mundane
March 17 Review and Guest Post at WOW from the Scarf Princess
March 18 Interview at Kay Dee Royal's blog
March 21 Review and Guest Post at A POSSESSED WIP
April 5 Interview at Writers and Authors
April 8 Guest Blog at Susan Blexrud's Embrace the Shadows

Fabulous reviews for God Wars:
Boy, what a book! Tobin is a master of building up the action, taking you one way then turning you back on yourself… you never see the twists coming… Diana is a wonderful character… she has suffered terribly… the author has something to say… the elements of humanity run strong within.
- Colin Galbraith, Freedom from the Mundane
I thoroughly enjoyed Living With Angels and can't wait for Book Two… you need to read the book… Your heart will go out to Diana… this is one you want to plan on picking up… Make sure you have time to sit and read though, you will get sucked in.
- Miranda @ Eclectic Bookshelf
This is a very intense read full of action and an intriguing mythology that will have far-reaching consequences in the books to come in this captivating series. Issues of hatred, forgiveness, and the power that each of us possess become a major part of this story and stick with you long after the final page... I am excited to see where things go next and am definitely on board for wherever Mr. Tobin plans to take us.
- Words of Wisdom from the Scarf Princess
God Wars starts out quickly and never ever lets up on the action and twists. There is tragedy, witchcraft, demons, aliens, and awesomeness. I’d recommend this book to any fan of urban fantasy.
- Pensive Bookeaters
1 comment:
I've chosen this blog for the lovely blog award. To accept visit the following link: http://natashalarry.blogspot.com/2011/02/lovely-little-blog-award.html
I will have to add this book on goodreads!
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