Monday, September 12, 2011

The New Bewitching Book Tours Reader Newsletter

Readers would you like tour schedules and updates delivered right to your email?

Bewitching Book Tours is implementing a new newsletter just for readers who want to stay in the loop of who is on tour and where they'll be each week- make sure you sign up so you have access to exclusive newsletter subscriber only giveaways, and behind the scenes book content no one else has access to- in addition to knowing where all the author guest blogs, reviews, interviews, and giveaway stops are going to be each week.

Readers you also get the chance to ask author's questions and have them answered in the newsletter.

If you would like to submit a question for one of our current or upcoming tour authors
(check the Bewitching Book Tours right sidebar to see a list of current and upcoming tours)-
you can ask an author question on the Bewitching Book Tours Facebook Page or email with "author question" in the subject line. Be sure to include the name of the author you are submitting the question to.

You could have your question answered in a future Bewitching Newsletter.

Subscribe to our reader newsletter

Bewitching Book Tours Reader Newsletter

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