Friday, November 4, 2011

Now Scheduling a 2 Week Tour for Toren the Teller's Tale

Now scheduling a 2 week tour for Toren the Teller's Tale by Shevi Arnold

This tour will run from Dec 19- January 2

I am scheduling guest blogs, reviews, promo stops and interviews.

I have a pdf available for reviewers.

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

1 or 2 suggested dates you have open during the tour

Type of stop you wish to host

Also let me know if you wish to review

Toren The Teller’s Tale
By Shevi Arnold

Have you ever been swept away by a story? If you have, you know the magic of the storyteller--and you know that magic is real. That is seventeen-year-old Toren's magic . . . but is she brave enough to accept the power that lies within her?

When Toren returns home, her little sister, Noa, is full of questions. Noa demands to know why Toren wakes only at night; what causes her almost constant pain; and above all, why, after completing her apprenticeship, she has decided not to become a wizard. To answer, Toren weaves a tale about a journey that leads her to discover the greatest source of magic in her world--herself. It is a revelation that comes at a high price.

Through her darkest years, Toren finds solace and strength in the stories she tells. But her greatest tale is not yet finished. Together with Noa, she sets out on a new adventure. And in the end, she must choose: will she continue to cling to her dream of an ordinary life, or will she dare to let her own magic shine?

TOREN: THE TELLER’S TALE is more than an inspirational fantasy. It is a philosophical tale about the enchantment of literature, because in Toren's parallel world there is no greater power than the magic of storytelling.

TOREN: THE TELLER’S TALE is intended to be the first book in the Toren the Teller series.

Author Bio:

Shevi Arnold started telling stories when she was just a kid looking for a way to pass the time on the long, boring ride to school. Not long after that, she started telling herself her own stories--letting them play through her mind, like favorite TV shows--as she was about to fall asleep or whenever she was bored.

One night when she was seventeen, she encountered Toren for the very first time. The magical storyteller left quite an impression. But Shevi didn't have the time to write Toren's story down. She had degrees to earn in college, and when she was through with that, she had her work in newspapers and magazines, her marriage, and her family to keep her busy.

Then in 2001 Shevi returned to the USA in search of a better education for her autistic son, and she had to leave her job and her old life behind. She had only ever worked as a writer and an illustrator, and she couldn't work full-time for newspapers or magazines anymore. What was she going to do? She sat down and began to write Toren the Teller's Tale. Since then Shevi has written six other novels for kids and young adults, but after thirty years simmering in her mind and countless edits, she considers this novel her greatest masterpiece.


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