Friday, January 13, 2012

Everlife by Kyani Swanigan

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By Kyani Swanigan


How do you live your own life, when it was never truly yours to begin with?

After the untimely death of her mother, 18 year old Rose Blakely spent the past two months of her life in the dark, living recklessly, and bringing everyone around her grief.

Now that the storm has passed, Rose is hoping to find the light, and live a normal life. But when a mysterious new guy named Birch Balman enters the picture, along with a crazed woman hell-bent on killing her, things take a drastic turn for the worst.

Keeping up appearances in front of her friends at Halfmoon Bay High and also her father will serve to be a difficult task for Rose, but it’s a small price to pay—when death is now in the equation.

About the Author:

Kyani Swanigan, YA author of the Nyx series. Kyani was always passionate about writing. Even as a child she loved creating characters and writing stories although she considered it more a past time rather than something that she would make a career out of especially through high school, when Kyani aspired to be a stylist and go to FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandizing). It wasn't until a year after graduation that the memory of two fictional characters she had thought up six years earlier resurfaced and began buzzing around in her mind. From there a story just had to be written.

Now, one year after completing her first novel, Kyani is still hard at work telling her character’s story by finishing the rest of the series. She lives in Tustin, California with her mom and fat Blue Russian cat, Pouncer.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading this book when it comes out Kyani. As an educator I know that reading and writing unlocks the door to endless possibilities. You are awesome for following your hearts desire.