Friday, February 24, 2012

Live Author Chats

Has anyone visited one of the live Bewitching Book Tours video chats yet? 

Many Bewitching Authors are going live and chatting with readers during these events. We're doing beta testing so the software can still be glitchy at times but we're working out the kinks.

You do not have to have a webcam to chat. You can log in without one, type in your questions via an IM chat box while watching the author who is on camera.

Please join us for the chats. Most of the authors will be giving away either a signed book or an ebook at the end of the chat. Some have other goodies to give away.

Next week the authors who are chatting include:

JC Andrijeski on Monday Feb 27 at 8:30 PM EST

Kyani Swanigan Tuesday Feb 28 at 2pm EST 

Kasonndra Leigh Wednesday Feb 29 at 5pm EST 

Jenna Kay Wednesday Feb 29 at 7pm EST

JF Jenkins  Thursday March 1 at 3pm EST

The chat room link is: 

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