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***warning contains graphic sexual content not for those under 18***
The second edition is a revamp of
the first HEART OF DEATH graphic novel utilizing a few current techniques to
update and enhance the first thirty pages of BOOK ONE ACT ONE
an erotic graphic novel series based on the Perspehone and Hades myth. In this
adapation, Hades is replaced by Thanatos Hades, nick named Thanos and Persphone
is a lovely Island Noblewoman of mixed breeding.
ART DIRECTION -- the novel's
illustrations, panels and layouts employ a number of feels and is not
traditional in scope. This mixed media format allows the viewer to enjoy a
number of moods captured by the art. There is a blend of styles balanced
throughout the book, each employed to give a different feel depending on what
the scene conveyed.
Deah-Thanos falls in love with
the lovely maiden after spying her dancing among tombstones in an old
graveyard. Persephone, it would seem, has a penchant for dabbling in macabre
musings, art and past times.
Death Thanos is intriguied by his
mortal beloved -- only one snag. Death cannot consort with the living or take a
soul before their allotted time. He can't even touch her as to do so would rob
her of life.
Not to be defeated, Thanos turns
to nephew Morpheus for aid and concocts a spell that will allow him to be with
the object of his affections.
Thing is--Persephone may be none
too keen on being the apple of Death's eye in spite of her dark nature.
ACT ONE introduces details of the
couple's initial meeting and focuses on the Persephone the character.
In this installment of HOD, a
love struck Death-Thanos enlists the aid of the chaotic and malleable Morpheus
to create a sleep related spell that will enable him to seduce his lady love.
Morpheus promises to do so but for a rather steep price...
As the spell will take some time
to craft, Mo-Mo gives Thanos dream wisps as a bit of a consolation prize. The
Wisps allow Thanos to navigate Persephone dreams in order to stoke her ardor so
to speak--but he cannot satisfy his own urges..
A freaked out Persephone seeks
her friend Abigail's advice on the nightly dream visitations and is none too
thrilled when her BFF tells her that what Persi is really fighting against is
her own budding attraction to the deity.
Persephone finds herself at odds
with confusing feelings regarding her dream lover Death-Thanos, penduluming
between love and hate. Thanos finally procures the long awaited seduction spell
from Morpheus and can now lure Persephone into the underworld to have his way
for her--and does. He also makes good on his promise to Morpheus by handing
over the Queen of the Shades, Tabietha, who is one too pleased with the
This series is based
on an animated movie created by the same illustrator, Alicia R Norman, who
wanted to expound the series in a literary style forum. HEART OF DEATH the animated
film trailer can be viewed at
The book trailer can be viewed at
To learn more please visit and
And visit on facebook at
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