Friday, September 7, 2012

Now scheduling a 2 week tour for Sharc by Paul Rudd

Now scheduling a 2 week tour for Sharc by Paul Rudd

This two week tour will run October 8- 22

I am scheduling guest blogs, interviews, reviews and promo stops

I have a pdf for reviewers

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

A couple suggested dates during the tour

Type of stop you wish to host

And let me know if you'd like to review

Paul Rudd

Genre: Romance, Adventure, Great Whites
Publisher: Taylor Street Books

ISBN: 1479209899 / 978-1479209897
Number of pages: 285
Word Count: 101,000

Cover Artist: Tim Roux

Book Description:

It's massive, it's intelligent, it's relentless and it's always looking for its next meal or its next challenge.

Maxwell Baxter is intent on fulfilling his greatest ambition yet, and he is an ambitious man. He wants to build the largest floating aquarium in the world, an aquarium city, and fill it with all manner of monsters from the depths, the first being a presumed extinct Megalodon he has captured, a prehistoric monster shark currently only thirty-five feet long but destined to grow up to one hundred feet of raw, razor-toothed ravenous greed with extraordinary abilities to detect anything edible or threatening in the water for miles around.

In the midst of international financial negotiations to raise the rest of the money to complete his ARC, and with the Governor of California being entertained on his private yacht on his way to review the facility, the Megalodon escapes and begins to terrorize everything in the Pacific, ships and other sea creatures alike, no matter what their size.

Maxwell Baxter's future rests on a knife-edge, and the Megalodon has a gigantic mouthful of them, each five feet long and giving it the capability to bite a small whale in half with one snap of its jaws.

With a Megalodon about, if you are thinking of getting back into the water, don't flatter yourself – you'll barely be a snack.

About the Author:

Ask a multi-award winning thespian if they would prefer a star on Hollywood Boulevard’s Walk of Fame or have the chance to write about a prehistoric shark and they’d take the easy option every time. Me? Sharks are a passion, they always have been. Not to say I have actually met any face to face or relied on a shark cage to keep me out of harm’s way; cos that’s just dumb!

So say hello to the real Paul Rudd. I’m a geek, pure and simple and a far throw from celebrity. I write lots. I’ve watched movies since birth, which probably makes a lot of sense to those who know me well.

My brain is a minefield of ideas just waiting to detonate and making them available has always been a dream. Now, with thanks to Taylor Street, I have managed to take my first step into the unknown.

So now starts the latest saga of my life and a little like the original Lord of the Rings cartoon, the outcome remains up in the air. If only the late Ralph Bakshi was here to conclude it... alas for now I will carry on chasing my own Moby Dick; the great white tooth of a Megalodon, so if anyone has a spare?

This is Paul Rudd of the Nostromo signing off…….

Twitter: @sharcwriter

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