Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Now scheduling a one month tour for The House by Sebastiana Randone

Now scheduling a one month tour for The House by Sebastiana Randone

This tour will run all of September (weekdays only)

I am scheduling reviews, guest blogs, interviews, and spotlight stops

pdf available for reviewers 

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

A couple suggested dates during the tour

Type of stop you wish to host

Please let me know if you wish to review

The House
Sebastiana Randone

Genre: Adult fairy tale, regency romance, past-life romance, paranormal/fantasy, time-travel

ISBN:   978-1-4836-1371-0

Number of pages: 148
Word Count: 50,000

The House is the tale of a woman, who is so absorbed with historical novels   that her own reality ceases to offer any hope of romance and beauty.

One day this dreamy idealist finds herself in a mysterious forest. How she arrived there is unknown. She encounters a ramshackle house, wherein magical rooms that transport to parallel worlds lay in wait.  She is transported to historical England, where she interacts with a collection of character's whose dysfunctional lives become apparent immediately.

The first tribulation involves a nefarious lord, an archetypal embodiment of the monstrous creatures that often haunt fairy tales. The ramification of this confrontation sets the tone for the narrative.   

Before long, the folly of disdaining her mundane reality is realized, and she desires desperately to return to her former predictable life.

A hidden portal finally enables escape from the austere Georgian dwelling. She is spirited back to the enigmatic house, where a journey to Regency London ensues. A large cast of eccentric identities present themselves.

One day a handsome, despondent poet arrives, following a period in Florence. His introduction to the time traveler offers promise of restoration and love. But upon the face of it, and much to his chagrin, this union cannot be consummated. There are a few more obstacles ahead before her destiny in this strange adventure is made apparent. In the end a past life connection starts to reveal itself.  And like all good fairy tales, the ending is pleasing, even though the means of getting there are dark and at times, sinister.     

Buy it here       Amazon     Kobo

About the Author:

Sebastiana Randone lives in Melbourne, Australia, and is from a dance background.

From an early age, Sebastiana developed a passion for reading, and from that moment has never been without a book.

The desire to write ‘one day’ had been pursuing for a long while. Finally that goal was realized with the debut release of “The House”; an adult fairy tale set in the Regency era.

Sebastiana is presently writing her second book; a paranormal romance novel based in New York late 1980’s. 

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