Sunday, September 29, 2013

Now scheduling a one month tour for To Catch Her Death by Boone Brux

Now scheduling a one month tour for To Catch Her Death  by Boone Brux

This tour will run Oct 21- Nov 18 (weekdays only)

I am scheduling reviews, guest blogs, interviews, and spotlight stops

pdf available for reviewers 

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

A couple suggested dates during the tour

Type of stop you wish to host

Please let me know if you wish to review

To Catch Her Death     
Grim Reality Series
Book One
Boone Brux

Genre: Paranormal Humor        

Publisher: Red Hot Publishing  

Date of Publication: Oct. 2013

ISBN: e-book – 9781938601118
Print - 9781938601125

Number of pages:250
Word Count: 60K

Cover Artist: Jennifer Meyers & Hot Damn Designs

Book Description:

What do you get when you cross a hockey mom with the grim reaper? Me, Lisa Carron.

If being a depressed, frumpy, widowed mother of three wasn’t bad enough, I just discovered I’m a grim reaper. I know what you’re thinking. Wow, that’s kind of sexy and full of awesomeness. Hardly. Oh, and my clients? Stupid people. Like I don’t get enough of that from the living.

Since Alaska is big and angels of death are few, I’ve been partnered with reaper extraordinaire, Nate Cramer. He’s strong, silent, and way too good looking for my recently widowed state. Oh, and he reaps violent criminals, so that should be interesting.

Forget the danger and the hours of self-analysis it will take for me to find my reaper mojo. My biggest problem? Hiding it all from my overly attentive family and nosy neighbors. Now that’s going to take a miracle.

About the Author:

As a bestselling author, Boone Brux’s books range from high fantasy to humorous paranormal.

A former nanny, Boone has lived all over the world, finally settling in the icy region of Alaska, where she writes full time. Always looking for the next adventure, it’s not unusual to find her traversing the remotest parts of the Alaskan bush. No person or escapade is off limits when it comes to weaving real life experiences into her books or blogs.

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