Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Now scheduling a one month tour for Blue Words by MC Edwards

Now scheduling a one month tour for Blue Words by MC Edwards

This tour will be Feb 9- March 9  (weekdays only)

I am scheduling reviews, guest blogs, interviews and spotlight stops

pdf, epub and mobi available for reviewers 

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

A couple suggested dates during the tour

Please let me know if you wish to review

Blue Words
MC Edwards

Genre: Contemporary/Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Warpath Print

Date of Publication: 30/11/14

ISBN: Paperback - 978-0994172303
ISBN: e-book - 9780994172310

Number of pages: 334
Word Count: 110,000

Cover Artist: Geoff Craig

Book Description:

Common threads have always woven through the world's mythology and folklore, strings which seem to link cultures divided by the vastness of oceans and time.

Have you ever wondered why? What if I told you that they all stem from a single origin.....the Varth-lokkr. Within this ancient creature's blood, stirs the power to save or enslave the world as we know it, a power ignited by a simple word. But which does it truly desire?

This dark urban fantasy follows one of these creatures through its emergence into 21st century Australia. It chronicles the rise of those who oppose it, those who ally themselves with it and those who are unwillingly drawn into its wake.

Shed the blood. Speak the words. Change the world.

Available for Purchase at Warpath Print

About the Author:

M.C. Edwards, or Eddie as he is known to his mates, grew up in a coastal town on the picturesque Central Queensland coast of Australia.  He has travelled to many corners of the world and has a love of all things bizarre.  He enjoys motorcycles, beards, comics, videogames and the taste of a fine single malt scotch.  In his writing he crafts immersive worlds which mix reality and fantasy to create a strangely believable mix.

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