Monday, July 25, 2016

Now On Tour Transition by Luke Ahearn

July 25 Guest Blog
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium

July 26 Spotlight
Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog

July 27 Interview
Deal Sharing Aunt 

July 28 Spotlight
3 Partners in Shopping , Nana, Mommy, and Sissy, Too!

July 29 Guest blog
Brayton's Briefs 

August 2 Spotlight (8am)
Mello and June, It's a Blog Thang! 

August 3 Interview

August 4 Spotlight
Ramblings of a Book Nerd

August 5 Spotlight
Booklover Sue 

August 8 Spotlight
Zenny's Awesome Book Reviews

August 9 Interview
Diane’s Book Blog

August 10 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom 

August 11 Guest Blog
Roxanne’s Realm 

August 12 Spotlight
Lisa’s World of Books

August 15 

August 16

August 17 Guest blog
Hart's Romance Pulse

August 18 Interview
Sharon Buchinder 

August 19 Guest Blog
Fang-tastic Books 

August 22 Spotlight
CBY Book Club

The Euphoria Z Series
Book Three
Luke Ahearn

Genre: Thriller/Post-Apocalyptic

Publisher: Luke Ahearn

Date of Publication: April 25, 2016


Number of pages: 194
Word Count: 56,200

Book Description:

Transition is the third book of the Euphoria Z Series set in a post-apocalyptic California.

The post-apocalyptic world is in transition. While things may seem safer, a great danger lurks under the surface and sometimes from above.

What does the Island have to do with the state of the world, and the invisible creatures? New threats arise and evil is tracked down. Will this finally be the end for Ben and his psychopathic lifestyle?

Continue the adventure as we find out what happened to Cooper, Lisa and the others.

About the Author:

Luke Ahearn was born in New Orleans, LA and now lives in Central California. He is a successfully published author of both fiction and nonfiction, most recently completing Transition, the third book in the Euphoria Z Series. He has over 20 years of professional game development experience in lead positions; designer, producer, and art director.

Luke is also a book cover designer interested in supporting his fellow authors. He hates writing about himself in the third person, but thinks it makes him sound more substantial.

He can be reached at

a Rafflecopter giveaway


FrangiePani said...

Congrats on the tour, and thanks for the chance :)

Elena said...

sounds like a good read

Unknown said...

Awesome tour. Thank you for the giveaway.

CJ said...

I love dystopian/apocalyptic book series. This looks like one I would really like to discover. Good luck on the book tour and thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

Jolanda said...

Thank you for the giveaway.