Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Authors- Sign Ups Are Now Open for the 2018 Deck the Halls Bewitching Book Tours Holiday Extravaganza

Do you have a book that you’d like to put in front of readers this holiday season?

Put your book in the gift buying spotlight with the Deck the Halls Bewitching Book Tours Holiday Extravaganza.

From December 3- 21 you will be featured with daily (Mon-Fri) Bewitching Tour Stops, Social Media Promotion and with a multi-author Facebook party in mid December

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and a short excerpt.

You’ll also need to provide 2-3 Winter Holiday themed guest blogs, short holiday flash fiction stories or poems. 

Your holiday materials may feature Christmas, Yule, the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever winter holiday you choose to celebrate with your writing. 

Guest blogs may be recipes, DIY Tutorials, Holiday Music Playlists, Top Ten Gift Lists,  holiday party planning guides, or anything related to the holidays.

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block.

The fee for this promotion is $75 per author for one book, $50 for additional books by same author.

UPDATE: As of  September 19 only a few author spots are still available for this event. Signs ups are closing soon.


Roxy Harte said...

Extremely interested. I planned a Dec 1 release but could move that to Thanksgiving...By what date would you need the review copies?

Roxanne Rhoads said...

By early November so reviewers have plenty of time to read and review.

Bryan Alaspa said...

Interesting. I have a Halloween release...might be just the boost needed by Christmas to put the book back in the spotlight.

Roxanne Rhoads said...

UPDATE: As of September 19 only a few author spots remain for this event. Signs ups are closing soon.