Thursday, September 12, 2019

New Release - Dreams of a Fierce Heart by Danube Adele

She’ll do anything to redeem her honor, including putting herself in enemy hands; he’ll do anything to stop her.

Dreams of a Fierce Heart
Book Four
Danube Adele
Genre: Paranormal/Contemporary/Sci-fi Romance

Publisher: Danube Adele Publishing
Date of Publication: 9/9/2019

ISBN: 9781733191609

Number of pages: 470
Word Count: 132, 843
Cover Artist: Evernightdesign – Elle Rossi

Book Description:


Some have called me impulsive, and maybe I was, much to my own detriment … at seventeen.

A social pariah in my own nation after being found in a fatally compromising position, I tucked tail and ran to Earth for study, work, and to heal my wounded heart. It took seven years for the opportunity at redemption, to earn my way back home, but it means infiltrating dangerous enemy territory. If the Brausa catch me, I might wish for a quick death.

My goals? I have two of them. Save my childhood friend, our Sunan leader’s last surviving daughter, and, get away from Nick Dylant. His deathbed promise to my older brother has him bulldozing into my life, making demands regarding my safety. He’s even found a way to force a marriage using some obscure, arcane law of old in order to protect me, but if he thinks he can force his will on me, he can think again. There is no way he’s going to control who I am or what I do in this world. 

I don’t need his or anyone’s permission to steal away in the middle of the night with a disguise, a rough map, and an even rougher plan of action, because one thing is for certain: I refuse to join with anyone who sees me as a duty, not when I’ve loved Nick since I was a child. Not when I dream about his kisses and crave his touch.

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#Scifiromance #PNR #romance #scifi #bewitchingbooktours #danubeadele #dreamwalkers #dreamwalkersseries

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