Monday, August 31, 2020

Make Magick Happen with Bewitching Book Tours

Authors- are you looking for affordable book promotion options?

Look no further than Bewitching Book Tours.

Magick Happens with our limited-time virtual tour package that combines social media marketing, blog advertising, and a newsletter blast with a one month virtual book tour.

The Bewitching Book Tours Magick Happens Tour Package is the price of our regular one month Spellbinding Special Package plus $130 in bonus features 

You get it all for $195.

In addition to all the features of our regular one month tour you will receive these special tour package features:

* Sidebar advertising on 2 blogs for one month (Fang-tastic Books and Roxanne’s Realm) $60 value

* Social Media Blast on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, Tumblr, Booklikes, Ello, and LinkedIn ($45 value)

* Newsletter blast ($15 value)

*Social Media Script with custom hashtags sent to all participating tour hosts ($10 value)

This is a $130 worth of promotion added on to our $145 package for just an additional $50

Sign up here:

Use code: MAGICK

Cannot be combined with any other special pricing or sales.

#SocialMediaPromotion #VirtualBookTours #BookPR #AuthorPR #BookPromotion #BookPromoBundles #AuthorSpecials #MagickHappenswithBewitchingBookTours #tourplusreviews #sale

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