Monday, September 21, 2020

Fearless Fated Mates Book 5 by Lilli Carlisle #PNR #shifters

A Place to Call Home

Fated Mates 
Book 5 
Lilli Carlisle 

A nameless slave is rescued from demons, hunters, and the worst of her own kind. 

Taken in by packs trying to survive in an underground city while on the earth’s surface a demonic apocalypse is proceeding at a phenomenal pace, she fears she left one cruel master to serve another. 

It’s hard to believe Joseph is the gentle, caring man he seems to be, but over time, she begins to trust him. 

Yet, even here, there are those who would see her dead, and when they make their move that’s when she learns the depth of her feeling for a wolf shifter with a heart of gold.

 #FatedMates #PNR #shifters #LilliCarlisle #paranormalromance #Fearless

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