Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Bewitching Book Tours Is Seeking Book Tour Hosts


Would you like to host book tours?

Are you a BookTokker, Bookstagrammer, Book Blogger, or Podcast Host?

Bewitching Book Tours is looking for book lovers who would love to feature our authors.

What’s in it for you? 

If you’re a book lover we have plenty of free books to offer in exchange for reviews- mainly ARCs which means you have access to new releases before the general public. You’ll also be the first to hear about new authors, new books, and who will be touring with Bewitching. 

Anyone who works with Bewitching gets a lot of ongoing promotion when you host a tour. Stops are promoted daily on all of our social media networks- so your site will receive attention.

We provide HTML formatted spotlight posts for bloggers to easily copy and paste materials. Media kits and graphics are provided for those who promote on social media platforms.

Bewitching Book Tours specializes in paranormal romance and urban fantasy tours but we tour almost all romance genres from contemporary to suspense, we also tour mysteries, horror, new adult, young adult, and occasionally erotica. 

It is always your choice which tours to participate in. You can do one, you can do them all.

Sign up here to become part of the Bewitching Book Tours Team: 

You can also be on the master list, which means you will be auto-added to tours in the genres you are willing to host. 

Sign up here to be on the master list:

If you don't wish to become a host but would like to stay up to date on our authors and tours you can sign up for our newsletter at

Or Follow us on Social Media at:

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