Exclusive Excerpt from SPI – Spectral Paranormal Investigations – Ghost Guardians, Book 2
I couldn’t believe what I found on the links Luke had left for me. I checked outthe Public Library in Kalamazoo for the year 1885. Microfilms in the lower level had maps and newspapers for that era. Hopefully, Luke would find lots of information. I hurriedly texted him, asking if he’d have time to stop and check it out after his culinary class. I knew Luke had a library membership card and was already savvy with the layout of the building. He would uncover as much as possible for a good foundation of information.
In the meantime, I opened Grams’ journal to refresh my knowledge from her in-depth info on hostile, malevolent spirits. I went to the last pages and got lost in time, making notes on the different ways of eliminating negative, evil apparitions. She must have dealt with them even though Gramps didn’t know much about Grams’ actions with such entities.
“Hey!” Kyle plopped into the chair beside the desk.
I peeked at my cell phone, checking the time, and a whole hour had passed.
“I just got off the phone with Jacob. Do you want to hear what he had to say?” His playful smile and nodding head gave me a heightened feeling he’d learned something unique.
“Okay, shoot.” I turned to face him, gently placing Grams’ journal aside. “Tell me everything.”
“Jacob mentioned he’d never driven his snowmobile near the mansion. He didn’t know the place existed nor how he got there, and it took him forever to find his way home afterward. Apparently, the night he drove out there, the weather was similar to ours last night.” Kyle studied his notes.
I glanced outside at the curtain of thick snowflakes dropping to the ground. A Cardinal struck the window, hard and fast,startling us. It sounded like a gunshot. The bird stuck to the pane for a moment as its head turned with searching eyes, making contact with me and then Kyle, who jumped up beside me. The bird’s eyes closed as his bright red body slid off the glass.
“What the hell?” Kyle moved to the window and looked down. “Did you see that thing look at us? I don’t see the bird. It should be lying right on top of the snow.”
I moved to look and didn’t see it either, nor did I see any marks in the snow. “My grams and gramps told us whenever we see a Cardinal, it’s someone we knew and loved, visiting us from Heaven.”
Kyle tilted his head. “Never heard that one before. And if it were true, who would do that? I mean, throw themself against a window?”
“Not sure who would knock themself out in a visit.” I sighed, but on the inside, I wondered if it held a message for us. It definitely got our attention. The bird’s eyes found us before it fell and vanished. That said something, and I would know sooner or later what. “Finish the conversation with Jacob.”
Kyle dropped into his chair again, and I sat in mine.
“Jacob saw more than one woman outside, like ten or so,” Kyle stated. “All were dressed the same, as if they were members of a club or cult, wearing white dresses, like old-fashioned sleepwear. They ran around the backside of the mansion. He thought they were in trouble and needed help. Some ran around in the surrounding forest as if to hide. And all of them disappeared before he could reach them.”
“Jacob saw them?” I studied Kyle, whose mouth dropped open, but his eyes sparkled. “Kyle, that means he can see spirits.”
“Yes, it does…and I wondered how long it would take you to tell me that.” He grinned. “And, yes, I’ve already asked him to join SPI. James will meet with him later today if the roads get cleared. Although, it doesn’t look like the snow will stop.” We looked toward the window at a white-out of snow. “Guess Dad gave Jacob’s phone number to James. So, tell me, how’s your research going?”
“Well, hopefully, Luke won’t hate me. I texted him to stop at the Public Library in Kalamazoo before he came home. I asked him to look up a county map for the late 1800s and also to look up any newspaper info about the mansion and the people that lived there.” My belly growled so loud Kyle heard it and grinned.
“It’s past lunchtime. Let’s go build us a sandwich.” Kyle clasped my hand and pulled me up from the chair, turning me toward the doorway into the kitchen. “After you, my dove.”
I laughed hard. “My dove? Okay, my prince charming, lead the way.” I yanked him around me and shoved him forward.
Then he laughed, and everything felt right in my world.

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