Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Now scheduling a one-week tour for Get Out and Stay Out by Shavonne Bulmer #memoir #biography #selfhelp

Now scheduling a one-week tour for Get Out and Stay Out by Shavonne Bulmer

This tour will be October 23- 30 (weekdays only)

I am scheduling reviews, guest blogs, interviews, and spotlight stops

review copy available

To participate in this tour please send:

Your blog name and url

A couple suggested dates during the tour

Please let me know if you wish to review

Get Out and Stay Out
Make Room For Yourself 
Book One
Shavonne Bulmer

Genre: Memoir and Biography
Date of Publication: 16 August 2023
Number of pages: 60
Word Count: 19661

Book Description: 

This is a story of my journey of getting out an abusive relationship and the emotional and mental challenges I faced when deciding to do so and trying to remain out.

If you are someone who wants to get out or have got out an abusive relationship, this eBook brings awareness to the challenges you will face when doing so. I am someone who successfully got out and stayed out of an abusive relationship, I share my journey, pain and start to recovery within this book.

May this bring awareness, hope and encouragement!

About the Author: 

Shavonne is an abusive relationship survivor who decided to leave her abusive relationship at 34 weeks pregnant, move towns and restart her life. She has written about her journey to bring awareness to the challenges she faced both mentally and emotionally to bring encouragement and hope.

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