Thursday, November 2, 2023

New Release - The Phoenix: Blood Coven Series Book Five by T. M. Smith #ParanormalRomance

Mankind is doomed. But not if the self-described quirky witch Indigo and the untrustworthy kinda-shifter Roark can change destiny. Of course, their noble goal is frequently interrupted by their steamy desire for one another.

The Phoenix
The Blood Coven Series 
Book Five
T. M. Smith

Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Date of Publication: November 2, 2023
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Book Description:

 isn’t just any witch. She’s the reader of the River Am, incomparable finder of lost objects, witch extraordinaire, sister of Alarik, aunt of Rein, daughter of Tor and Adriana, madwoman, and quirky bitch.
is an enigma. He’s a raven shifter, a traitor, and a trespasser.

from the moment Indigo sees him bathing in her river, sparks ignite. Secrets, though, can be world-changing.

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