Friday, February 9, 2024

New Release: The Lawgiver’s Firebrand by T. M. Smith #ParanormalFantasyRomance

He’s an arrogant incubus. She’s … well … more common. 

Together, they prove opposites attract.

The Lawgiver’s Firebrand
The Blood Coven World
Book One
T. M. Smith
Genre: Paranormal Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Date of Publication: February 9, 2024
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Book Description:

He’s Arrogant

Lawgiver Daire is an arrogant incubus, a connoisseur of elegant females and the finer things of life. 

She’s Common

Arianna is a witch and Firebrand warrior who is … well … common and less tastefully dressed than the legislator. 


When Daire needs an arm charm and bodyguard for a gala, he hires Ari. After a fire breaks out at the event, a question must be asked. Who’s the target? As the story unfolds, the mismatched warrior and the incubus dodge attacks, the threat is exposed, and the couple pursues a more erotic pastime than avoiding a killer.

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