Sunday, February 4, 2024

Now Available Hollywood by Connor Coyne

A new American myth for readers who enjoy 

a bit of madness in their weird fiction.

Connor Coyne

Genre: LGBTQ+, Literary, Magical Realism

Anxious Ophelia steps off the elevated train in the big city, hoping to start a new life with her summer hookup, far from her dissolving family and all of the traumas of industrial Rockville. 

Over the course of the next few hours Ophelia will lose her roommate, her money, and eventually, her sense of sanity when she sees a mile-long shark out on the lake, unwitnessed by anyone else, but obviously there, because if it wasn't how did she get so soaked? 

Ophelia cannot go back to who she was before sighting the beast, and the friends and opportunities she discovers all proceed from what and how she acts on that first, fierce, drunken night. 

#LGBTQFiction #MagicalRealism #WeirdFiction #LitFic #LiteraryFiction 

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