Thursday, June 6, 2024

Subscribe to Celia Breslin's Newsletter & Receive The Night Hag FREE

How could she tell him her nightmares weren't dreams but visitations from a demonic entity?

Subscribe to Celia Breslin's newsletter for special offers, new release details, and this free welcome gift- The Night Hag by Celia Breslin

About the Book:

After losing her family in a tragic accident, Morgan O’Cuinn drowns in debilitating grief despite her loving partner. Unable to eat or sleep much, she struggles to get through each day without a panic, anxiety, or asthma attack.

To make matters worse, a recurring nightmare triggers horrible sleep paralysis and exacerbates her health issues. As Halloween approaches, Morgan’s dreams intensify, and she begins to fear the monster in her head is very, very real.

Morgan wants nothing more than to crawl out of the well of sadness and reclaim her life. But first…she’ll have to defeat the Night Hag.

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