Saturday, June 15, 2024

Now On Tour Nest of Thornes by Lorel Clayton #RomanticFantasy #Mystery #Paranormal #Steampunk

June 15 Serena Synn (Guest Blog)

June 15 Roxanne’s Realm

June 16 A Bewitching Guide to Halloween (Guest Blog)

June 16 The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom (Guest Blog)

June 17 Sapphyria's Books

June 17 Liliyana Shadowlyn

June 18 Kenyan Poet

June 18 Westveil Publishing

June 19 Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read

June 20 The Book Junkie Reads (Interview)

June 21 Supernatural Central (Interview)

June 21 Lisa’s World of Books

June 22 Fang-tastic Books

June 22 Paranormalists (Guest Blog)

Nest of Thornes
Eva Thorne 
Book 5
Lorel Clayton

Genre: Romantic Fantasy/Mystery/Paranormal/Steampunk
Publisher: LC Books
Date of Publication: 15 June 2024
ISBN: 9780648676072
Number of pages: 351
Word Count: 73,249
Cover Artist: Clayton Colgin

Tagline: Coming home again can be a killer. 

Book Description: 

Eva Thorne saved the world but hopes no one remembers when she returns to Highcrowne six years later to start a new life. Low key this time. Right.

All she ever wanted was some independence, including the freedom to knock bad guys in the head when needed, but the private investigator gig never worked out for her. She has no choice but to try, yet again, when the Elf Queen commands her to track down the political rival plotting her assassination—there’s no proof but the queen knows someone wants her dead.

As if that wasn’t already the antithesis of a low-key case, the first egg produced by their near-extinct Avian rulers in centuries is stolen. Only the famed Eva Thorne can solve the case. No one understands that she’s not the same person she used to be. She’s been learning necromancy, not detective work, and they won’t think so highly of her when they realize she tried to bring back the God of Death, who they all fought so hard to defeat in the first place.

About the Author:

Lorel and Clayton were teen sweethearts, brought together by a fierce love of books (and hormones). Despite being married for almost 35 years, they are still madly in love and still writing. As writing partners, they meld logic, creativity, and genres. Fantasy, science-fiction, mystery, horror, steampunk, thriller, romance, classics … they read them all, and if they can mix them they will!

Still reading? Want to know more?

Lorel has a PhD in molecular biology and Once Upon a Time did cancer research before turning to the dark side (aka marketing), but she uses her powers for good, helping raise funds for charity. She loves books, movies and animals, and would gladly spend all day with a cat on her lap and the wind in her hair (Conan reference there), while tapping out a story on her keyboard. Or maybe a movie script. With coffee of course. And lots of chocolate!

Clayton is a classically trained painter turned digital artist who now glares at the AI generated images currently obliterating the slim chance artists once had of earning a living. Clayton is severely dyslexic but loves books and storytelling. He adds vast imagination and a discerning ear for effective prose to their creative collaboration, not to mention the book cover art.

Born and raised in the western United States, they traveled to Sydney, Australia in 1997 and never left, finding the sunshine and beaches of “Oz” too irresistible.

Look them up if ever you’re Down Under.








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